Yoga – I need to do it

So I blab a lot about my triathlon training on the blog – lots of swimming, biking and running is happening.

One thing that isn’t happening?  Stretching and yoga.

I have Yoga Envy

I have Yoga Envy

I know it’s important for all kinds of reasons  but generally don’t take the time to do it.   Why? Because after working out for a couple hours I usually don’t have the time/energy/motivation to get myself to a class.  I really like PowerLife Yoga which is close to me and I even have a card with 7-8 sessions left but alas, still have difficulty making it happen.  I really think that part of the issue is that I’m not a huge fan of being on someone else’s schedule.  A friend had mentioned I should go to some group cycling classes as part of my triathlon training and I immediately dismissed the idea since I want to bike when I want to bike – not when the class is.  (I may or may not have control issues………first child syndrome anyone?)

OK back to yoga.  I need to do it.  and I WANT to do it.  I just want to do it on my terms. Solution?  YouTube!  My girlfriend was telling me how she was really starting to get in to Yoga but having problems with some of the postures.  She thought the issue might be her tight shoulders so she found some videos on YouTube which are suppose to help with “opening the shoulders:.  She RAVED about the exercises and how great she felt after.  Of course I had to check it out for myself!  Ekhart Yoga has a ton of videos on YouTube (well 475 videos – that’s close to a ton right?).  They also  have some free videos as well as a paid subscription on their site.  I really like that several of them are about 10-12 minutes in length.  I LOVE that I can do this on my terms – when and where I want – and that it isn’t a huge time commitment. Obviously if I have a chunk of open time I can go to a class or do a longer video (I enjoy this one).  However, if I only have 15-20 minutes between calls or before picking up a kid I can still get a quick Yoga fix.  Progress – not perfection!

I hope to use these videos to make Yoga a more regular  part of my routine.  I do really believe it’s important for physical and mental well being!


Do you do yoga?  Do you have a favorite yoga video?

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