Snow, Sarcasm and Soup

Guess what? It snowed AGAIN today!!!!  I was really happy since I had not seen a severe weather warning on my phone for a day or two and really thought something might be wrong.  I need not have worried – Mother Nature delivered with an inch or two of the white stuff this afternoon / evening!  I just knew she wouldn’t let us down!


And, as an ADDED BONUS, we are going to see temperatures go down to the teens and likely even lower his week – perhaps even BELOW zero.  I’ve already confirmed (several times this winter) that the temperature gauge in my car does, in fact, do negatives.  I will make sure it is still in working order later this week. Thank goodness since I am so NOT READY FOR WINTER TO BE OVER!


This past weekend saw some serious training.  Tony ran outside with me on Saturday and we did 10 miles which was nice.  There was some ice but we hop scotched around it and ended up getting it done!  On Sunday I had an EPIC (for me) indoor ride of 60 miles.  This was my longest indoor ride ever and took me 2 hours and 40 minutes.  Talk about building mental toughness – the monotony of these many miles to nowhere sure does that.  Luckily I had podcasts to keep me entertained.  While I know that my mileage and pace is faster biking indoors then it will be in a race, it does provide me the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the saddle and also to practice my nutrition to find out what works as far as fuel.  Once the ride was done I hit the water for an easy 20 minute swim which was a huge relief for my rear end!


Today begins a new week on the training schedule and it is somewhat of a recovery week. This works out GREAT since my mom is coming in Friday – yay!  I’m also going to move Saturday’s long run to Friday so I can get it done before I pick her up at the airport.  Once this recovery week is done we move in to a new block of training which entails “Quality” days of each discipline.  It will be interesting and fun!

So I’m still having SO MUCH FUN experimenting with recipes.  I made Lentil Soup for dinner which is super easy, inexpensive, healthy and YUMMY!  In addition, soup is the ideal food on a cold, snowy day.

Lentil Soup

Lentil Soup

This is a souper easy recipe (ha ha)!

Get a large pot and toss the following in:

  • 8 cups water
  • 2 cups lentils
  • 1 veggie buillon cube
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 3 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1 onion diced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • You need 2 cups spinach too but don’t put it in yet

Bring to boil and then reduce to simmer – cook for 40 minutes or so.  Pull out bay leaves and then toss in 2 cups of chopped spinach – cook long enough to wilt.  Enjoy!

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